IN SEARCH OF TRUTH AND WISDOM - Astrology a Language of God
In his book ‘A Brief History of Time’ scientist Stephen Hawking states:
‘The whole history of science has been the gradual realization that events do not happen in an arbitrary manner, but that they reflect a certain underlying order, which may or may not be divinely inspired.’
A Brief History of Time,
Stephen Hawking,
Bantam Press 1988,
London, UK P.139
There maybe a ‘certain underlying order’ in the fact that Stephen Hawking (8th Jan 1942) was born exactly 300 years after Galileo Galilei’s death (8th Jan 1642) which was close to a year before Isaac Newton’s birth (4th Jan 1643) with the composite chart of the three natal charts having a scientific leaning as indicated by the stellium of Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn in Taurus and its trine to Uranus in Capricorn.
Galileo has been called the ‘father of modern science’ and amongst other things he invented the telescope which he used to gather evidence to support Nicholas Copernicus’s ‘revolutionary’ theory that the planets orbit the Sun rather than the Earth. Copernicus’s theory was circulated to friends in 1514 when Pluto was in the last degrees of Sagittarius and in November 2008, with Pluto in a similar position, Copernicus’s remains were finally located after two centuries of searching.

When we reflect on our lives’ we find that we have all experienced amazing coincidences whether they be the incidental appearances of persons, the events associated with the formation of relationships or a course of events which seemed improbable. Carl Jung used the technique of Greek philosophers - observation and reason – to explain coincidental events and formulated a theory on ‘synchronicity’ in which he puts forward the premise:
‘Whatever is born or done at this particular moment of time
has the quality of this moment of time’.
In the down-to-earth modern world, finding definitive truths has leaned towards the scientific method of drilling down into the minute and attempting to relate the quantum world with an understanding of the infinite Universe. So it was unusual that in 1951 while still developing his theory of ‘synchronicity’ that Jung had a discussion with Albert Einstein and Wolfgang Pauli and proposed a similarity between his theory of synchronicity, relativity theory and quantum mechanics . (Note that a composite chart of these three thinkers shows a tendency for expansive exposition.)
The Known Universe
Observation and reason usually commences a direction of enquiry that then requires proof in hard-nosed pragmatic fact, and in line with this requirement scientific circles are extremely rigorous in their delivery of theories relating to our understanding of the Universe. So what do we currently know about the nature of the Universe?

Unfortunately our study of the cosmos is hampered by the fact that the observed Universe extends only 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 km from Earth with the Universe potentially having an infinite dimension. The Hubble telescope took a picture of an area of ‘empty space’ and found 3,000 galaxies at a distance of 12.7 billion light years away. When we reflect about the time it takes the Sun’s light to reach Earth (about 8 minutes), then 12.7 billion light years seems incomprehensible - but perhaps Stephen Hawking has the answer when he says:
‘So maybe what we call imaginary time is really more basic, and what we call real (time) is just an idea that we invent to help us describe what we think the universe is like.’
(Hawkins, Stephen,
A Brief History of Time, P.158)
On the other end of the scale the smallest object visible to the naked eye is about 10(-4)m or 1/10th of a millimetre, with virus particles being about 10(-7)m, neutrinos about 10(-24)m and string theory particles predicted to be 10(-35)m in size, having one dimension and vibrating in all other dimensions.

Recently scientists hypothesised from indirect measurements that ‘dark matter’ (which we can’t see) makes up 25% of the Universe compared to the bits that we can see which make up about 5% - and it’s the dark matter which is causing the Universe to continue to expand at an accelerating rate. (Galaxies two million light years from Earth are moving at about 70 km/sec away from Earth while those further away are moving much faster.) Although this apparent acceleration is qualified by the observation that the galaxies are not actually moving – it’s just the space between galaxies expanding!

Stephen Hawking may be able to make sense of the known universe and continue his search for a Unified Field Theory which will explain all, but most people have difficulty with the concept of infinity so perhaps the Greek philosophers’ approach of observation and reason is worth further consideration.
Life’s Purpose
The major motivating force in the living world is that associated with the survival instinct and when this instinctive response is repressed (usually related to chemical processes in the brain associated with depression) the individual may consider that life does not contain any interest worth living for.

The reverse of depression is euphoria and a person who exhibits an extreme oscillation between depression and euphoria may be labelled a manic/depressive. Surprisingly many ‘manic/depressives’ have been regarded as geniuses in their professions.

At a basic level survival instincts seem to be the same for all living organisms from vertebrates to invertebrates and right down to cellular organisms. Take for example the life cycle of slime moulds:
‘Most of its life, this haploid social amoeba undergoes the vegetative cycle, preying upon bacteria in the soil, and periodically dividing mitotically. When food is scarce, either the sexual cycle or the social cycle begins. Under the social cycle, amoebae aggregate to cAMP by the thousands, and form a motile slug, which moves towards light. Ultimately the slug forms a fruiting body in which about 20% of the cells die, lifting the remaining cells up to a better place for sporulation and dispersal. Under the sexual cycle, amoebae aggregate to cAMP and sex pheromones, and two cells of opposite mating types fuse, and then begin consuming the other attracted cells.’
A bit higher up the evolutionary scale termites, ants, bees, etc, all seem to have an innate understanding of the collective which would seem to be beyond the intelligence of the individual.

Procreation is necessary for the survival of all animals and its pursuit is often the motivating force for endeavour. The sexual response area of the brain is closely intertwined with the brain’s pleasure centre which explains why sexual activity as a motivating force extends beyond procreation.

The Eastern tradition of Chakra’s or energy centers’ correlates sexual energy with the Sacral Chakra just below the belly-button, with this energy centre having to be balanced by the Throat Chakra which relates to higher forms of creativity. The Sacral Centre has a courser vibration than the Throat Centre but both require a free energy flow if the life is to be well-adjusted.

Carl Jung coined the term ‘psychic energy’ to describe a personal driving force that included sexual drive but also embraced the whole gamut of human motivation. In a practical sense the majority of people strive to create a better life for themselves by developing skills, acquiring material comforts and attaining favorable positions in society. In addition to these drives some people’s raison d'être includes a divine purpose which influences the directing of their psychic energy.
Divine Purpose
Definitions of God go a bit like this: ‘A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe’. The ancient Hindu religion believes in a pantheon of Gods and the Buddhist religion replaces the God concept with a ‘wisdom/truth’ body:
‘Based on his own experience, the Buddha saw that each human being had the capacity to purify the mind, develop infinite love and compassion and perfect understanding. He shifted attention from the heavens to the heart and encouraged us to find solutions to our problems through self-understanding’.
The concept of a creator can derive from a moment of enlightenment and may be associated with altered neural pathways in the brain, but more often than not a belief in divine purpose is part of a tribe’s culture and functions as a cohesive platform for explaining all that is inexplicable. It also provides sustenance for the soul when material alternatives are limited.

The belief in divinity often falls away when a person becomes favourably consumed with material work that provides the self with a greater level of personal comfort. The replacement for divinity is usually a little questioned assumption that material supports, such as health care, superannuation and the perfect home setting will provide the necessary support for a long and fulfilling life.

In science we see the search for perfect order and understanding in the quest for a Unified Field Theory. Stephen Hawking makes the observation:
‘Now, if you believe that the universe is not arbitrary, but is governed by definite laws, you ultimately have to combine the partial theories into a complete unified theory that will describe everything in the universe.’
‘Yet if there really is a complete unified theory, it would also presumably determine our actions. And so the theory itself would determine the outcome of our search for it! And why should it determine that we come to the right conclusions from the evidence? Might it not equally well determine that we draw the wrong conclusions or no conclusion at all?’
But even if this ‘God equation’ was uncovered it may not lead to understanding as Hawking notes:
If there is an ‘ultimate truth’ - something akin to a biblical commandment that applies in all situations - then this would go part way to providing evidence of divine purpose and perhaps ultimately a ‘plan’. But even the Sixth Commandment ‘Thou Shall Not Kill’ becomes a bit messy under scrutiny.
Personal Reality
Each person’s reality is unique since an individual’s genetic background, growth environment and birth moment cannot be the same (althoughidentical twins do display a lot of commonality). As a result one person’s truth is likely to differ from another’s with the truth of the next moment being dependent on the truth of the previous moment, and the summation of truths accumulating into a wisdom which personalises our understanding of reality.

‘The Force’ was coined by George Lucas in his Star Wars epics and was inspired by the writings of mythologist Joseph Campbell. Joseph Campbell’s work correlates the mythology of diverse cultures in the style of Carl Jung’s ‘archetypes’ which Jung described as being:
‘Inherited memory represented in the mind by a universal symbol
and observed in dreams and myths.’
‘If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living’.
For example, dreaming of water may universally infer emotional content with the nature of the water providing further information about the dreamer’s emotional state.

Joseph Campbell’s most famous statement was a direction to ‘follow your bliss’ - which is akin to ‘using the force’. He claimed that:
But using the force or finding your bliss is complicated by the validating spirit of each person’s belief structure. Mowing the lawn is easier than opening your arms to strangers and this perceived difficulty in human interaction tends to result in material expressions of achievement which are often incongruous to humanitarian considerations.

In her paper ‘The Elusive Mind – Ten Years of Negative Research in Parapsychology’, Susan Blackmore offers an explanation for an ‘out of body’ experience she had when commencing her studies:
“I argued that the cognitive system cannot make its decision about what is ‘real’ or ‘out there’ at the low level of chunks of input. Rather, it makes its decisions at the higher level of global models of the world. That is, it constructs models of the world, and chooses one and only one, as representing the world out there.”
Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986), Indian philosopher and spiritualist stated:
‘I maintain that truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect. That is my point of view, and I adhere to that absolutely and unconditionally. Truth, being limitless, unconditioned, unapproachable by any path whatsoever, cannot be organized; nor should any organization be formed to lead or coerce people along a particular path.’
(Hawkins, Stephen,
A Brief History of Time, P.14)
(As published in The International Journal of the Astrological Association of Great Britain - March/April 2013 - Vol 55 No 2)
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(May 13th - Sept 17th, 2012)
The Known Universe
Life’s Purpose
Divine Purpose
Personal Reality